OK, so it's only the first Christmas for Brody, but I feel like real life has really begun now, and we're all going through "firsts" together.
Brody is 6 months old (about 16 pounds) and he loves to play, be held and chew on anything that will fit into his mouth. He also LOVES to reach out and grab for things. I guess all babies do these things, but I'm sure none of them do it as cute as Brody does ;)
His first word was about a month ago. He repeated "honk" after I said it several times (while he was grabbing my nose). He's also said "Dada" a couple of times and I am vigorously coaching him to say both "momma" and "dog." For some reason, I think "dog" is going to come before "momma." Sigh.
Of course the little booger was spoiled rotton this Christmas. He got lots of toys, bedroom decor (Noah's Ark theme) and the cutest walker - it's cherry red and modeled after a GT sports car. I'll have to take a picture of him in it tomorrow morning and post it.
And tonight I found that he's getting much closer to crawling. Now, in addition to lifting his head up while on his belly, he can lift the entire front half of his body and he kicks his legs to try and gain some speed. It won't be long now and we'll have a speedy gonzales to chase.
Well, now that I've gotten everyone up to speed on our biggest moments of the past few years, I'll post more detailed news about our everyday lives about once a week. (That should be more than enough - we're not THAT interesting). :)